One of the drawbacks of being a custom pool builder is that we do not often take the time to toot our own horns or pat ourselves on the back. That is why we are going to take a moment today to share a few photos from our Aqua Pool design portfolio. Over the years, we have been lucky enough to get involved with a number of truly unique and beautiful new pool installations that we think are a great place for those of you considering a new pool to gather inspiration. Whether its pool and spa combos, very modern geometric pools, or natural pools that blend into the surrounding landscape, we have really done it all and look forward to coming up with more designs to fit our customer’s visions. Here are a few of our favorites though to get your imagination working:
Our quarry pool: not a pool like any other traditional pool we have built but a real limestone quarry (rumor has it part of the limestone for the Washington Monument was quarried here). The naturalist owner would not allow us to change the quarry at all (not even seal the floor with gunite) so we worked with what we had and the result is breathtaking. And it works seamlessly. Check it out here: https://money.cnn.com/video/pf/2013/10/03/pf-rock-quarry-pool-home-berkshires.cnnmoney/index.html
This very sharp, geometric pool project was a great example of how a pool design can absolutely compliment a more modern and clean landscaping aesthetic. We took the traditional rectangular pool and installed the steps and the spa jutting very symmetrically off of the edges to give it a regal and almost obelisk-like effect. The large, clean cut, and geometrically shaped stones that make up the deck surface, while natural in color, were a wonderful compliment to the sharp lines and pronounced shape of the entire design.
This pool and spa combination was a lot of fun as we were able to create a design that mimicked the natural shape and color of the larger body of water at the pool’s edge. We used a combination of very clean-cut stone and more natural and irregular rock shapes to create a deck surface that in one way blends with the surrounding features but still maintains a refined presentation.