Tips for Opening Your Pool Successfully

While it may still be chilly outside, spring is just around the corner—which means that it will soon be time to start thinking about opening your swimming pool! While the process may seem daunting, there are steps you can take now in order to get your pool open and ready to enjoy as quickly and easily as possible. Here are a few tips from the experts at Aqua Pool & Patio:

  • Keep the pool cover clear. As water and debris accumulate throughout the winter, they will weigh down the cover, which may cause it to collapse and dump debris into the pool. To prevent this and make your spring cleanup more manageable, be sure to regularly pump excess water off the pool cover.
  • Be proactive about removing debris. Even before you open your pool, periodically use a net to remove debris that has made its way into the water. This simple practice will significantly reduce the amount of cleanup required when pool season finally arrives.
  • Don’t delay opening the pool. While many people wait until the weather is warm enough to swim, we recommend starting the opening process once daytime temperatures consistently reach 70 degrees. Delaying the opening longer could lead to rampant algae growth, thereby requiring more extensive cleaning. Additionally, cooler water harbors less bacteria and is easier to filter. Always give yourself time between the day you open the pool and the first “event”. A pool is usually not swim-ready right away, after months of down time.
  • Un-winterize and properly maintain equipment and accessories. When it’s time to open your pool, you’ll need to “un-winterize” and reconnect the equipment that you disconnected in the fall, including the pump, heater, and filter. In addition, be sure to thoroughly clean and dry the cover before storing it in a cool, dry place, which can help avoid damage over the summer months.
  • Once the pool is open, brush and vacuum it thoroughly. This will remove all debris and algae, which will help ensure that the pool chemicals can work optimally once they are added.
  • Shock the pool. The final step in ensuring that your pool is clean and sanitary for swimming is to add shock, which will eliminate all algae, bacteria, and other microorganisms that may have accumulated over the winter.
  • Test your water. Get your water professionally tested a few days after opening, after allowing the initial shock to do its job and allowing the water to filter. We can test your water for free at our store!

As you embark on the process of opening your pool this spring, the team at Aqua Pool & Patio is ready to offer assistance as needed. Our Pool and Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA)-trained maintenance professionals, many of whom are licensed in Connecticut, will meticulously handle every step as the warmer weather approaches. From removing your pool cover to chemically treating the water and checking the filtration system, our popular pool opening services are tailored to your needs and designed to have you enjoying a sparkling, beautiful pool as soon as possible. Contact us today at 860-623-9886 to find out how we can help!